Here are my samples from the April kit. I changed one into a birthday card for my son's 14th birthday later this month and I used the stamp set to create an anniversary card for my parents.
Look at all these supplies!! |
I usually punch anything out and then get ready to create. |
Here are some steps to show you how to make these cute paper bows. You can create similar bows with the Bow Builder punch in the Annual Catalog. (Item #137414 - $18) |
And they are done! I saved one card 'kit' to use on my #listersgottalist challenge. |
I made my parent's anniversary card using this kit and decided to create some swap cards with it for convention. |
Hope you enjoyed this fun cards! Don't forget to type in HALFOFF in the code box when you sign up as a new Paper Pumpkin subscriber to get your first two months at half off!! The rest are only $19.95 + tax. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to leave a comment below. Have a great week!